Free Resources

A collection of free resources designed to aid your journey in data engineering, analytics, and AI.

Data Engineering Training

Data Engineering Books

SQL Tutorials and Courses

  • W3 Schools SQL Tutorial - A comprehensive tutorial for SQL beginners.
  • SQLBolt - Practice with real-world datasets and challenging SQL problems to deepen your skills.

Interactive SQL Learning Games

  • SQL Murder Mystery - Solve a captivating murder case using your SQL skills in this immersive game-like environment. Suitable for beginners.
  • SQL Island - Navigate through an adventure on SQL Island to learn SQL commands. Remember to change the language to English via the hamburger icon.
  • SchemaVerse - A space-based strategy game where you use SQL commands to control your fleet and conquer the universe.
  • Lost at SQL - The SQL Learning Game - Enhance your SQL skills through this engaging learning game.

SQL Practice and Challenges

  • 8 Week SQL Challenge - Intermediate/Advanced SQL challenges through interactive projects.
  • HackerRank SQL Challenges - Test your mettle against others in coding challenges that push your SQL boundaries. Suitable for Intermediate-Advanced learners.
  • Codewars SQL Kata - Hone your understanding with kata-style SQL exercises, practicing diverse concepts.
  • SQLZoo - Practice with a wide range of exercises at different difficulty levels, mastering SQL fundamentals.

Spreadsheets for Data Analysis

Excel Basics and Advanced Techniques

Google Sheets for Analysis

Comprehensive Data Analysis with Excel

Learn Python

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that’s great for beginners and professionals alike. Here are some resources to get started or enhance your Python skills:

Learn R

R is a programming language and environment commonly used for statistical computing and graphics. The following resources provide comprehensive guides, tutorials, and courses for beginners to advanced users interested in learning R:

Web Scraping with Python

Web scraping is a method used to extract data from websites. Python offers several libraries and tools for web scraping. Here are some essential resources to get started or enhance your web scraping skills:

Database and Data Processing Technologies

Enhance your knowledge in various database technologies and data processing frameworks through these tutorials and courses.

Streaming and Integration

Courses that focus on streaming data platforms and event streaming architectures.

Data Warehousing

Courses and tutorials to deepen understanding of data warehousing concepts and technologies.

DevOps and CI/CD

Learn about continuous integration and continuous deployment, crucial for modern software development practices.

Foundational Data Science Courses

Introduction to Data Science

Specialized Topics in Data Science

Statistical Analysis and Data Wrangling

Programming for Data Science

Online Learning Platforms and Resources

YouTube Learning Playlists

Here are a few playlists most of which are contributions by Jemar and Sandy Cabanes.

Statistics and Data Analysis

Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

  • Tableau Dashboard - Tutorials on creating dashboards using Tableau.
  • Power BI - Training sessions on using Power BI for data analysis and visualization.
  • Mo Chen - Business intelligence and analytics techniques.

Professional Development and Storytelling

Google Analytics

Data Engineering

Programming and Software Tutorials


  • MS Fabric - Explore Microsoft’s design framework.

Additional Learning Resources

Training and Internships

Online Learning Platforms

  • Dataquest - An interactive learning platform focusing on data science and analytics skills.
  • Datacamp - Offers hands-on courses on data science, Python, R, and SQL among others.
  • Codecademy - Provides interactive programming courses across many different technology areas.
  • SoloLearn - A mobile-first platform offering courses on a wide array of programming languages.
  • W3Schools - A comprehensive resource for learning web development technologies and languages.
  • Khan Academy - Free online courses in various subjects, including computer programming.
  • Coursera - Online courses, specializations, and degrees from universities and educational institutions.
  • edX - Access to online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines.
  • freeCodeCamp - An open-source community providing free coding bootcamp and certifications.
  • Udacity - Specializes in technology courses that offer Nanodegrees and certifications.
  • The Odin Project - A free coding curriculum that provides a complete path to web development.
  • Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) - Documentation and learning resources for web developers by Mozilla.
  • Kaggle - A platform for predictive modelling and analytics competitions and datasets.

Cloud Resources

Open Courseware

Open Books

Data Science and R Programming

of data analysis. - R for Data Science (Second Edition) - Updated guide for data science with R. - R Packages - Creating R packages. - R datasciencebook - R datasciencebook.

Python Programming

Visualization and Web Scraping

Advanced Topics and Specialized Areas


Training and Internships


Data Engineering Training

Data Engineering Books

SQL Tutorials and Courses

  • W3 Schools SQL Tutorial - A comprehensive tutorial for SQL beginners.
  • SQLBolt - Practice with real-world datasets and challenging SQL problems to deepen your skills.

Interactive SQL Learning Games

  • SQL Murder Mystery - Solve a captivating murder case using your SQL skills in this immersive game-like environment. Suitable for beginners.
  • SQL Island - Navigate through an adventure on SQL Island to learn SQL commands. Remember to change the language to English via the hamburger icon.
  • SchemaVerse - A space-based strategy game where you use SQL commands to control your fleet and conquer the universe.
  • Lost at SQL - The SQL Learning Game - Enhance your SQL skills through this engaging learning game.

SQL Practice and Challenges

  • 8 Week SQL Challenge - Intermediate/Advanced SQL challenges through interactive projects.
  • HackerRank SQL Challenges - Test your mettle against others in coding challenges that push your SQL boundaries. Suitable for Intermediate-Advanced learners.
  • Codewars SQL Kata - Hone your understanding with kata-style SQL exercises, practicing diverse concepts.
  • SQLZoo - Practice with a wide range of exercises at different difficulty levels, mastering SQL fundamentals.

Spreadsheets for Data Analysis

Excel Basics and Advanced Techniques

Google Sheets for Analysis

Comprehensive Data Analysis with Excel

Learn Python

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that’s great for beginners and professionals alike. Here are some resources to get started or enhance your Python skills:

Learn R

R is a programming language and environment commonly used for statistical computing and graphics. The following resources provide comprehensive guides, tutorials, and courses for beginners to advanced users interested in learning R:

Web Scraping with Python

Web scraping is a method used to extract data from websites. Python offers several libraries and tools for web scraping. Here are some essential resources to get started or enhance your web scraping skills:

Database and Data Processing Technologies

Enhance your knowledge in various database technologies and data processing frameworks through these tutorials and courses.

Streaming and Integration

Courses that focus on streaming data platforms and event streaming architectures.

Data Warehousing

Courses and tutorials to deepen understanding of data warehousing concepts and technologies.

DevOps and CI/CD

Learn about continuous integration and continuous deployment, crucial for modern software development practices.

Foundational Data Science Courses

Introduction to Data Science

Specialized Topics in Data Science

Statistical Analysis and Data Wrangling

Programming for Data Science

Online Learning Platforms and Resources

YouTube Learning Playlists

Here are a few playlists most of which are contributions by Jemar and Sandy Cabanes.

Statistics and Data Analysis

Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

  • Tableau Dashboard - Tutorials on creating dashboards using Tableau.
  • Power BI - Training sessions on using Power BI for data analysis and visualization.
  • Mo Chen - Business intelligence and analytics techniques.

Professional Development and Storytelling

Google Analytics

Data Engineering

Programming and Software Tutorials


  • MS Fabric - Explore Microsoft’s design framework.

Additional Learning Resources

Training and Internships

Online Learning Platforms

  • Dataquest - An interactive learning platform focusing on data science and analytics skills.
  • Datacamp - Offers hands-on courses on data science, Python, R, and SQL among others.
  • Codecademy - Provides interactive programming courses across many different technology areas.
  • SoloLearn - A mobile-first platform offering courses on a wide array of programming languages.
  • W3Schools - A comprehensive resource for learning web development technologies and languages.
  • Khan Academy - Free online courses in various subjects, including computer programming.
  • Coursera - Online courses, specializations, and degrees from universities and educational institutions.
  • edX - Access to online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines.
  • freeCodeCamp - An open-source community providing free coding bootcamp and certifications.
  • Udacity - Specializes in technology courses that offer Nanodegrees and certifications.
  • The Odin Project - A free coding curriculum that provides a complete path to web development.
  • Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) - Documentation and learning resources for web developers by Mozilla.
  • Kaggle - A platform for predictive modelling and analytics competitions and datasets.

Cloud Resources

Open Courseware

Open Books

Data Science and R Programming

of data analysis. - R for Data Science (Second Edition) - Updated guide for data science with R. - R Packages - Creating R packages. - R datasciencebook - R datasciencebook.

Python Programming

Visualization and Web Scraping

Advanced Topics and Specialized Areas


Training and Internships